Automating Exchange 2016 installation with Desired State Configuration

Hi, folks!

There is a good example of Exchange installation inside of help files for xExchange module but it’s actually not valid for Exchange 2016:

  • no installation for server roles and features = configuration fails
  • Exchange 2016 does not have separate client access role anymore = wrong installation parameters and setup fails
  • UCMA is required to be installed = errors during prerequisite check up
  • not optimal LCM parameters
  • no certificate management
  • there is no variables passing via command line = not suitable for unattended setup

So here is the fixed version of one .

/Has been tested on VM with up-to-date domain joined 2012 R2 guest machine.

//If you are not yet familiar with PowerShell DSC it’s recommended to review some facts before setting up and then do some additional steps:

0) Step for lazy persons Улыбка . Download link for  all-in-one zip file

1) Install the following update (only for PowerShell v3 and v4.0) :

PackageManagement PowerShell Modules Preview – March 2016

2) Import or verify that the required modules are available :

  • xExchange . It’s  a custom module for installation and configuration Exchange environment (installation, DAG, settings and more)
  • WindowsFeature . Built-in DSC resource that ensures and installs windows server roles/features
  • Package . Built-in DSC resource to install program packages (msi,exe and etc)
  • xPendingReboot. Custom module that reboots system if it is in the “pending reboot” status.
  • To list installed custom DSC resources:
    Get-DscResource|? {$_.ModuleName -NotMatch "PSDesired"}
  • To install custom DSC (internet connectivity is required):
    Install-Module xExchange
  • I prefer to save module for the further usage and then install or just copy to one of the PS module’s path
    #save module to pre-created folder
    Save-Module xExchange -Path C:\DSC\Modules
    #Copy module to the one of the following folders (../Program Files/.. is recommended)
    C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;

3) Prepare folders. Script uses the following paths:

  • “C:\Exch”  – Exchange binaries,
  • “C:\ExchInstall\Cert” – required files for import certificate
  • “C:\UCMA” – UCMA installation files

4) Download Exchange media and copy setup files (C:\Exch in my case)

5) Extract UCMA package  to another folder (script uses C:\UCMA)

6) (optional) Prepare certificate for securing MOF files. I use this module  to create one and then export PFX and CER-files to “C:\ExchInstall\Cert”.

Note: If you don’t want to secure your MOF files you can comment out related strings in the main script (step 6, see comment blocks)

. .\New-SelfSignedCertificateEx.ps1
New-SelfsignedCertificateEx `
    -Subject 'CN=localhost' `
    -EKU 'Document Encryption' `
    -KeyUsage 'KeyEncipherment, DataEncipherment' `
    -SAN localhost `
    -FriendlyName 'DSC certificate' `
    -Exportable `
    -StoreLocation 'LocalMachine' `
    -StoreName 'My' `
    -KeyLength 2048 `
    -ProviderName 'Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0' `
    -AlgorithmName 'RSA' `
    -SignatureAlgorithm 'SHA256'

6) Create the new script (ps1) which contains the following strings

Note: RebootNodeIfNeeded has been set to “True” so LCM have rights to reboot your machine automatically.


::Exchange 2016 Installation (DSC)
::Required modules: xExchange and xPendingReboot


    param ()
      #Domain and Netbios Names
      $domainname=$args[0] #or get-domain if domain is existed.

	  #Creds for Exchange install acoount
	  $pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString "Pass123" -AsPlainText -Force
      $Creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("$netbios\Administrator", $pwd)

      #Import the certificate for securing MOF (optional. related strings can be just commented out)
      $CertPW=ConvertTo-SecureString “Pass123” -AsPlainText -Force
      Import-PfxCertificate -Password $certpw -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\My -FilePath C:\ExchInstall\cert\publickey.pfx

#DSC starts here
Configuration InstallExchange

        Import-DscResource -Module xExchange
        Import-DscResource -Module xPendingReboot

    Node $AllNodes.NodeName
        #Sets certificate for LCM on every node
            CertificateId      = $AllNodes.Thumbprint
            RebootNodeIfNeeded = $true
            ConfigurationMode = 'ApplyOnly'

        #Installs Required Components for Exchange (note: there is 1 planned automatic reboot)
        WindowsFeature ASHTTP
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'AS-HTTP-Activation'
        WindowsFeature DesktopExp
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Desktop-Experience'
         WindowsFeature NetFW45
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'NET-Framework-45-Features'
           WindowsFeature RPCProxy
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'RPC-over-HTTP-proxy'
            WindowsFeature RSATClus
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'RSAT-Clustering'
            WindowsFeature RSATClusCmd
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'RSAT-Clustering-CmdInterface'
            WindowsFeature RSATClusMgmt
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'RSAT-Clustering-Mgmt'
           WindowsFeature RSATClusPS
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell'
           WindowsFeature WebConsole
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Mgmt-Console'
            WindowsFeature WAS
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'WAS-Process-Model'
            WindowsFeature WebAsp
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Asp-Net45'
           WindowsFeature WBA
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Basic-Auth'
           WindowsFeature WCA
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Client-Auth'
          WindowsFeature WDA
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Digest-Auth'
          WindowsFeature WDB
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Dir-Browsing'
           WindowsFeature WDC
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Dyn-Compression'
           WindowsFeature WebHttp
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Http-Errors'
           WindowsFeature WebHttpLog
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Http-Logging'
           WindowsFeature WebHttpRed
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Http-Redirect'
          WindowsFeature WebHttpTrac
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Http-Tracing'
          WindowsFeature WebISAPI
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-ISAPI-Ext'
          WindowsFeature WebISAPIFilt
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-ISAPI-Filter'
            WindowsFeature WebLgcyMgmt
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console'
            WindowsFeature WebMetaDB
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Metabase'
            WindowsFeature WebMgmtSvc
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Mgmt-Service'
           WindowsFeature WebNet45
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Net-Ext45'
            WindowsFeature WebReq
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Request-Monitor'
             WindowsFeature WebSrv
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Server'
              WindowsFeature WebStat
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Stat-Compression'
               WindowsFeature WebStatCont
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Static-Content'
               WindowsFeature WebWindAuth
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-Windows-Auth'
              WindowsFeature WebWMI
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Web-WMI'
              WindowsFeature WebIF
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'Windows-Identity-Foundation'
              WindowsFeature RSATADDS
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'RSAT-ADDS'
        #Installs UCMA. Don't forget to change path it if it is required
        Package UCMA
            Ensure= 'Present'
            Name = 'Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 4.0, Core
                    Runtime 64-bit'
            Path= 'c:\UCMA\UcmaRuntimeSetup\ironmansetup.exe'
            ProductID= 'ED98ABF5-B6BF-47ED-92AB-1CDCAB964447'
            Arguments= '/q'


        #Checks Exchange Setup Directory (can be changed it's necessary). No recurse.
        File ExchangeBinaries
            Ensure          = 'Present'
            Type            = 'Directory'
            Recurse         = $false
            SourcePath = 'C:\Exch'
            DestinationPath = 'C:\Exch'

        #Checks if a reboot is needed before installing Exchange
        xPendingReboot BeforeExchangeInstall
            Name      = "BeforeExchangeInstall"

            DependsOn  = '[File]ExchangeBinaries'

        #Does the Exchange install. Verify directory with exchange binaries
        xExchInstall InstallExchange
            Path       = "C:\Exch\Setup.exe"
            Arguments  = "/mode:Install /role:Mailbox /OrganizationName:""$netbios"" /Iacceptexchangeserverlicenseterms"
            Credential = $Creds

            DependsOn  = '[xPendingReboot]BeforeExchangeInstall'

        #Sees if a reboot is required after installing Exchange
        xPendingReboot AfterExchangeInstall
            Name      = "AfterExchangeInstall"

            DependsOn = '[xExchInstall]InstallExchange'

#DSC Configuration data
    AllNodes = @(

            NodeName = "*"
				  #Replace thumbprint with yours or use precreated cert
                  CertificateFile = "C:\ExchInstall\cert\publickey.cer"
                  Thumbprint = "FF0693E72BD283298323DF34B2A848F0F1B48E67"
                  PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $true

            NodeName = "localhost"

if ($Creds -eq $null)
   #if creds are empty -> write to log Application/mozno udalit')
   New-EventLog –LogName Application –Source “Exchange Installation”
   Write-EventLog –LogName Application –Source “Exchange Installation” –EntryType Error –EventID 1 –Message “Credentials are empty”


#Compiles the example
InstallExchange -ConfigurationData $ConfigData -Creds $Creds

#Sets up LCM on target computers to decrypt credentials, and to allow reboot during resource execution
Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager -Path .\InstallExchange -Verbose

#Pushes configuration and waits for execution
Start-DscConfiguration -Path .\InstallExchange -Verbose -Wait

7) Run the script with the mandatory <domainname> parameter



8) Wait while LCM applies DSC configuration.

To retrieve the the current status use:



  • read logs (Applications and Services Logs – Microsoft – Windows – Desired State Configuration)
  • Exchange creates it’s own setup logs on your system drive . check them in case of unexpected errors.

Until then,

have a nice weekend!

P.S. I have updated this script with DAG configuration and etc.. I’ll publish a new post later. Be in touch.

13 thoughts on “Automating Exchange 2016 installation with Desired State Configuration”

  1. Nice article! Where in the configuration script do you specify the installation path for Exchange? We do not use the default: C:\Program Files\Microsoft….Our install path is D:\Program Files\Microsoft….

  2. Firstly, thank you for creating this, it’s IMMENSELY helpful!

    But… How do I send this to multiple servers? If I want to install Exchange on Server1, Server2 and Server3 at the same time, using this same script, how do I make it applicable to multiple targer servers?

      1. Yes, I have seen that, and I requested the scripts via the Contact Me page a few weeks ago, though I never received an email. However, I still do not understand how to configure multiple servers with this.

          1. Nah, mate, no need to apologize. I wasn’t trying to be rude or anything. I was just pointing out that I still don’t understand how to make this apply to multiple servers. Are you saying that the node section is what does it?

            NodeName = ‘Server02’
            NodeName = ‘Server01’

            Is that what I need? Will that generate the .mof files? (I think the answer is “no” but I’m not sure)

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